Solar Energy and Power

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Solar Energy Tips You Should Know About

There are many people all over the world that are taking advantage of solar energy. Others have not adopted this because they feel that it is something confusing and difficult to implement. The following article has several pieces of advice that will help you understand the benefits of solar energy and how simple it is to add to your life.

You should assess how much energy you need for your household before investing in a solar energy system. You will get the most out of your solar energy system if it is powerful enough to cover all your energy needs and allows you to sell a small quantity of power to the main grid.

If you are thinking about using solar power in your home, you must consider how much direct sunlight your home is actually exposed to. In order for solar energy to be worth it, your roof should have full sun exposure a minimum of 6 hours every day. You should also be wary of any areas of your roof covered by shade.

If you are moving toward leasing your solar panels instead of buying them, be sure that your contract lets you transfer your lease. If you decide to sell your house, you’ll still have to pay for the lease if you can’t transfer it. This can pass the benefits of a solar energy system to the next homeowner and save you money in the process.

Talk to your local government about doing any major solar installations in your home or business. You want to be properly permitted and within building, zoning and construction codes and regulations. However, you may also discover tax credits, rebates and other financial incentives. They may also have data and information about how well certain solar technologies work in your area.

Solar energy can help save you money on your utility bill. The sun’s energy is free for you to use, and can help you save money when you have solar energy panels installed on your home or place of business. If you want to learn how you can save money with solar energy, call a professional in your area.

We rely heavily in the United States on foreign energy sources, especially oil. This is money that is going to another country. By making the switch to solar energy you are helping to reduce the US’s dependence on foreign energy, and helping to keep the earths natural resources from becoming ultimately depleted.

You can make the most of solar energy with a sun tracker. This systems follows the path of the sun to get the most sunlight. Although they are more costly, the energy production will offset the difference.

In your home, find the most effective method to use solar power. For example, most solar energy systems can only provide a portion of the energy needed to run a heating system. But, they can give you enough energy to run a water heater. Knowing these differences can help you to make the best choice for your home.

Ask your solar panel vendor about the certifications they have and about the testing of the panels you are interested in. You might qualified for some rebates offered by the government if you go through a certified vendor and choose panels that have received certifications too. Besides, this is a good way to make sure you are getting a quality product.

For better savings on your utility bill, keep your solar panels clean. Solar panels are practically silent and since you don’t touch them, you can easily forget them. The cleaner their glass panels are, the more clear surface area the sun has to “work with.” There’s no set amount of time that you should clean them. If you live in an area with lots of wind, dust or construction, they may need cleaned frequently. Some ares may require weekly cleanings.

Use winter sunshine hours instead of summer hours whenever you are calculating how many solar panels you will need. This is because winter sunshine hours only add up to about half that of summer. It is better to overestimate how many panels you will need rather than underestimate. If you underestimate, you will end up losing power when you need it.

Check your solar panels regularly to ensure they stay in good condition. Being exposed to the elements can result in the panels becoming dirty or sometimes broken. Finding out about something is wrong by the arrival of a massive energy bill is never a pleasant surprise.


In the event you only wish to use solar energy in part, you should examine some of the smaller scale applications available. This can be done in two ways. First, you should find solar panels that you’ll be able to mount up on windows that are able to charge small appliances. You might also find standalone solar powered equipment such as lanterns, camp stoves and more. Every application or power need you take off the grid, no matter how small, also comes off your power bill.

Look into portable solar energy battery packs. These can be extremely useful when you are somewhere that does not have access to power. For example, it could be used to charge your cell phone while you are camping in a remote location. It has recently become very popular, and because of this, it is relatively inexpensive.

If you have animals that require electric fencing to contain them, use solar powered fencing units to provide power for them. A great advantage to these systems is that they are completely mobile, and can be easily moved. If you are a horse owner who enjoys overnight horse-camping, the fencer can be easily taken along.

Now that you have read this, you should be ready to start using more solar energy sources in your life. While it may take a bit of adjusting, after a while it will seem like second nature. In the process of saving a bit of money, you will also help save some of Earth’s valuable resources.

Solar Energy Tips You Can Use In Your Home Today

The shift to solar energy is gaining in popularity. Businesses and private residences alike are gradually converting to this cleaner source of energy. If you want to learn more about making the shift to a better and more sustainable source of power, read this article for tips that can help you get started.

While it may seem that your solar panels are always affixed to your roof permanently, the best ones permit repositioning of the angles. If you have no choice but to get fixed panels, you will have to find the best angle for all seasons.

One great way to take advantage of solar energy is by constructing a heat well just inside the south facing windows or patio doors of your home. This well collects heat from the sun during the day and releases it after dark. This form of solar energy is completely passive and requires no maintenance.

Not every solar panel is created equally. Always buy from a reputable dealer that has been in business for a number of years. The solar energy marketplace is littered with businesses that do not succeed. Make sure the company you buy from will be around if you need help or have problems with your system.

Check that your solar panels will be mounted in a way that works with the climate you live in. Some areas are prone to cyclones and tornadoes, and it is important to choose a mounting system for your panels that can withstand high winds if you live in these areas. If you fail to do this, the first natural disaster could result in your panels becoming unattached and useless.

Find a reputable company. With the rapidly rising popularity of solar energy, new companies are springing up left and right to take advantage. A solar energy installation is a big purchase that should last you many years. When shopping for your system, look for a company that you can be confident will still be around ten or even twenty years from now.

When you look at it over time, solar power is less expensive than buying energy from a local company. Although you do have to put up a bit of money initially, a solar power system starts paying for itself right away. Once you get back your initial investment, you are simply making a profit. This is much different than getting a bill in the mail every month.

Don’t underestimate the effect that shade can have on a solar panel’s output. One tree branch can produce enough shade to reduce the amount of solar energy produced by almost 80 percent and that’s without leaves. Take the time to properly situate any solar panels you install to maximize their efficiency.

Solar panels must be installed in the specific area where they can maximize their potential for providing you with solar energy. Make sure that you check your panels regularly to prevent anything from obstructing sunlight getting to the panels.

Living a green life helps protect the environment and generally helps you save money. By choosing solar energy options such as solar heating, solar hot water heating and solar lighting, you can rest assured that you are helping to save the planet. Keep your solar products free from dirt and debris for best results.

When switching over to solar panel, take the time to evaluate all of your energy needs. Solar panels are far from cheap, and there might be more cost effective ways that you can reduce energy consumption in your home. By reducing consumption, you can reduce how many panels you need, thereby reducing your overall purchase and install costs for a solar system.

When researching for a good solar panel installer, don’t forget the Internet. Yes you may start out in the phone book, but the Internet will give you a lot more information as well. You may find testimonials from other clients and ideas for contractors that you may not have realized are out there.

The mounting system of your panels should be adapted to your area. If your home is often exposed to strong winds, earthquakes or even tornadoes, you need to find a mounting system that can withstand these extreme conditions. Contact your local government to find out more regarding regulations on solar panel mounts.

You could get a big discount on an installation if you’re lucky. The government is always working towards getting people to use this kind of power, and if you do install a solar energy system, you may get a grant that covers all or part of what you spend.

Solar panels produce DC electricity but your appliances need AC energy. You will have to invest in a quality power inverter to turn DC electricity into AC power. Select your power inverter carefully and do not hesitate to invest in an expensive one since the efficiency of your inverter could directly impact the amount of power you can generate with your panels.

Almost all solar systems are scalable to the amount of space you have in your home. A complete system is not required in many cases. If you do not have the room to fully power your home using solar, you can use the space you have to power part of your home.

Make sure that you get on the roof to look at your solar panels at least once each month. You want to check and verify that they are still clean. If they are not, they are not producing as much energy as they could. Clean them if needed and watch your energy bills drop or even disappear.

Since children are the ones who will be running the future it is important to teach them early about renewable energy. As a parent you can set the example by using solar energy whenever possible. If it is not possible to swap your entire house over, maybe switch out your outdoor lighting.

Making the transition to solar power is not a difficult thing to do. It does take careful planning. Do your research carefully on companies who can help you make the transition. Lay out a realistic budget. If you follow this advice in this article and plan ahead, you can make a successful transition.

Solar Energy Tips That Can Work For Anyone

There are a lot of people in the world that are intimidated when they think about solar energy. It is a fairly new concept for many, and it is sometimes quite difficult to adapt to new things. Keep reading if you want to clear up any confusion you may have about solar energy.

Your solar energy system needs to be exposed to the sun at all times. Most homeowners have their solar panels installed on their roof but you could also have some panels installed on your front lawn. Do not hesitate to cut a few trees to avoid shadows and have a professional help you determine the best place for your panels.

If your roof cannot to support the weight of photo-voltaic solar panels, you can save a lot of money by investing in thin film solar panels. These panels are very light and flexible, which makes the installation much easier and affordable. Their higher price is also justified by their efficiency.

The efficiency of solar panels depends on their density. Panels with a higher density are usually more expensive but their cost is justified since you will be able to produce a lot more power with these more performing products. If you are hesitating between different panels, compare their density to get an idea of how efficient they will be.

Don’t let a salesman sell you anything. You need to make sure you take the time to gather information on all of your solar options and make the right choice for you. When you buy without thinking, you may be taken advantage of.

Learn about grants and rebates available to you. Seeing how much it costs to get solar power installed can be quite daunting, but you can usually find some help with the costs. Look into grants and rebates available from your state and federal government that reward those who use renewable energy. You might be surprised at how much you can save. You might be able to use it as a tax deduction.

Be sure that you have your solar panels installed in a location that is best for all seasons of the year. If you do not understand how to accomplish this, spend some time tracking the sun’s path.

Once you buy a system, one of the first things you will notice is how quiet your solar cells are. As they draw in energy from the sun, they make absolutely no noise. This is something that most owners appreciate, as all other renewable energy sources make some noise as they operate. Particularly if you have a stressful job or a stressful life, the last thing you need is a noisy system interrupting your few moments of peace.

Don’t trust salespeople that will pressure you into a purchase. Switching to solar energy is a large investment and one you should think about first. Simply tell them that you will consider it and then move on. If a salesperson is relying on pressure to close sales, he probably has a very low level of confidence in the quality of his product. You will more than likely regret the decisions you made under pressure.

If you are considering installing a solar panel system, it is important that the panel faces in the sun’s direction. Although this seems obvious, you would be surprised how many people forget this step. If your panel does not have sun, it won’t power up. If you live in the Northern hemisphere, your panel should face South towards the horizon.

Scientists are constantly making advances in the solar field. This is particularly true when it comes to smaller solar systems, the ones that are perfect for homeowners. Therefore, if you didn’t think purchasing a system was right for you in the past, it may be time to reevaluate your decision and consider moving forward with a plan.

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is odorless, tasteless and deadly as well. This silent killer takes the lives of too many unsuspecting families. Help avoid this tragedy altogether by changing your current system over to safer and renewable solar energy. It will help to save you money, and give you peace of mind at the same time.

You must take more than cost into consideration when deciding which solar panels to buy. Panels can vary by size, wattage, brand, warranty, performance and materials. You should be basing your final decision on quality over cost. You want the best for the best price.

When you are figuring out the return on your solar power investment, do not forget that you can sell back energy to your utility company if you generate a surplus. This is usually in the form of a credit on your utility bills. Even though the initial investment may be hefty, the long-term financial benefits is there for the taking.

Try installing the solar panels yourself if you have the capabilities. If you have the experience, understanding, and tools required to work with these panels, you can save some of the expenses by installing them yourself. Alone or with a friend, the job isn’t that complicated and is well-worth the money you save in the end.

If you are running low on space across the roof, install new panels at ground level for even more savings. Panels in the yard are still an improvement above typical fossil fuels. The idea is to add as many panels as you can and store as much energy as possible.

If you are a business owner, consider solar power for both the cost savings and the positive image it brings to your company. Many consumers are going green in today’s society, and they like to do business with companies that are also going green. If you opt for a solar system for your office space, you can take advantage of the cost savings, help the planet, and also let your customers know you have made a green choice that benefits your community.

It is never easy to change the way you are living, particularly if things have been the same for quite some time. The article above was written to help you understand that solar energy does not have to be so frightening. It is something that can help you save the Earth while saving some of your hard-earned money.

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